June 2023

Savvy Negotiation Helps Win the Deal

Purchasing a home is not the same as buying a product off the shelf. You don’t simply pay the price on the tag and know it’s yours. You can’t just see a home for sale and say, “I’ll take it!”, especially if the market is competitive. You need to make an enticing offer. That offer, of course, would include the price you propose to pay. That price may or may not be the “price tag” or the...

Is it the Right Time to Sell?

If you’re entertaining the idea of selling your home, especially within the next year, one question you might be grappling with is, “Should I sell now, or wait until market conditions are more favourable?” The answer is simple. Your decision to sell should be guided by your own needs and desires and not by what you think the market will be like months from now.First of all, it’s nearly...

Setting Emotions Aside When Selling

Imagine shopping for a used car. You find one that you like and while negotiating the price, the seller gets sentimental. He shares happy memories of family picnics, his kids’ soccer games and other adventures with the vehicle. Then he demands a higher price. After all, he couldn’t possibly part with it for anything less. Are you likely to pay for his sentimental value? Probably not. Yet the same...

How to Deal with a Competitive Disadvantage

If you’re selling your home and there are other listings in your area, buyers will naturally compare your property to those other listings. Is there something about your home that you’re concerned will be seen as a competitive disadvantage? For example, do you have a small kitchen or fewer bedrooms than most other homes in the neighbourhood? There are a few things you can do to compensate for...

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