January 2023

Lighting Matters when Selling your Home

Remember the last time you were in a furniture store or other major home retailer? Remember the fully decorated displays of furniture, appliances and other products? Some of those may have even been organized as model rooms. What did most of those displays have in common? Chances are, they were well lit. In fact, in the retail industry, there are professionals who specialize exclusively in...

Community Profile: Woodstock, Ontario

Of the many population centres and market towns which surround our portion of Southern Ontario, the City of Woodstock is one of the larger ones within a 45-minute drive of Kitchener-Waterloo.  As the the seat of Oxford County, Woodstock has a population now north of 40,000 residents. In recent years, it has become an increasingly popular option for would-be homebuyers exasperated by spiraling costs of...

Synthetic and Composite Countertops

New countertops have always been a major contributor to kitchen makeovers, and the range of choices has never been greater. Beyond laminates and tile, or natural stone, wood and bamboo, some durable acrylics have become quite popular.  But, there are also newer composite materials that offer advantages. These advantages might make them an ideal compromise between natural and synthetic countertops....

Does your Home Still Match your Lifestyle?

When you purchased your current home, chances are it was a good match for your lifestyle. It had the space you needed, the features you wanted, and a location that worked for you. But for most people, lifestyle and needs evolve through the years. Kids get older. Jobs or careers change. People take on new hobbies and other interests. As a result, the home that was ideal a few years ago may not fit...

The Growing Importance of Public Transit in Waterloo Region

As communities grow, reliance on personal transport tends to decrease - here’s the situation in our own backyard. Waterloo Region currently stands as the tenth most populous metropolitan area in the entire country; with a total population of over 620,000 residents as of 2020 according to data published by the regional government.  Assuming the regional government’s projections hold true and...

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