
Preparing Your Home for the Winter Season in Canada

As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, us Canadians know that winter is just around the corner. The season brings with it snow, ice, and sub-zero temperatures that can be tough on your home. Properly preparing your house for winter not only ensures comfort but also prevents costly repairs and increases energy efficiency. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or a first-time buyer, this quick...

7 Primary Bedroom Staging Ideas

As you most likely know, staging involves setting up the furniture, art and accessories of each room to help make your home look as appealing as possible to potential buyers. It’s similar to what furniture stores do when they create displays of model bedrooms, kitchens, etc. When you’re staging your home, the master bedroom is particularly important. Here are some simple staging tips worth...

Let the Light Shine In: Home Lighting for Health

Recently, researchers discovered that the lighting in your home can have a much greater impact on your health and well-being than originally thought. Better lighting can boost your energy, increase alertness, and help you sleep better. So, it pays to ensure the lighting in your home is optimal. Here are 3 ways to get started: Go Natural - Start by enhancing sources of natural light, such as...

Home Sweet Smart Home: Automating Your Home Decisions

It’s been long predicted, but the time has finally come when whole-home systems can provide a network to allow the electronic features and fixtures of your home to talk to one another. Often a family’s first such network involves controlling and sharing subscription services for movies, TV, and music among personal devices. Smart home hubs are the next logical step beyond streaming services. They...

Starting a Backyard Garden

Not every homeowner is willing or able to dedicate backyard space to a big garden, but the size of your garden shouldn’t deter you from looking into options for a very rewarding hobby. Whether through simply growing a few herbs or flowers in containers, or by tilling a plot for bountiful harvests, gardening is known to improve physical activity and help reduce stress. Furthermore, tending to plants...

Fix it or Leave it As Is?

When you’re preparing your home for sale, you obviously want your property to look its best for buyers. That means fixing things that are broken, and, possibly, making a few improvements. But, how do you decide whether to invest in fixing or improving something versus just leaving it as is?Say, for example, the walls throughout your home are a bit faded. (They’ve gone through a lot of living!) You...

4 Golden Rules to Finding a Home You’ll Love

If you want or need to sell your current home, one thing you might be wondering is, “How will we find and buy our next dream home?” Fortunately, there’s no mystery to how to do that. Simply follow the “golden rules”! Create a profile. Decide what kind of home you want to buy. Consider the type of building, size, number of bedrooms, property features, and other details. When you have a...

Should You Get a Pre-Sale Home Inspection?

Unless you’re in a seller’s market where you can expect many offers, quickly, it might make sense to get a pre-sale home inspection. It can give your listing a competitive advantage. What is it? It’s simply a professional inspection you get done on your own home. Assuming only a few inconsequential issues are identified, the passed inspection becomes an appealing selling feature of your...

Why Bargain Hunting is a Bad Idea

It seems like every month there is a new website offering deals on everything from electronics to travel. In fact, the “coupon industry” is booming. This trend has conditioned people, more than ever before, to look for bargains and become determined to pay well below the market price for merchandise. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all want a deal! But when it comes to shopping for a home,...

How to Make your Home “Picture Perfect” for Viewings

Have you ever had a formal photo shoot? Perhaps you’ve had one for work or arranged one for your family. If so, chances are you dressed up and made yourself look your best. That’s the right mindset to be in when selling your home too. You want to make every room look as attractive as possible because, these days, many buyers will view pictures of your listing – usually online – before they...

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