August 2023

The Role of Carrying Costs when Buying a New Home

When searching for a new home, many buyers will focus only on the list price and what they may need to offer to get the property. For example, a buyer might think, “We can get this house for $XX. That’s within our price range!” Of course, the selling price plays the pivotal role in whether or not you can afford a particular home. But, carrying costs should also be considered. Carrying costs...

Checklist for Selling your Home this Fall

If you’re thinking of selling this fall, this is the ideal time to start the process. The earlier you get ready, the more successful your sale will be. It will likely go a lot smoother, too. So, with those benefits in mind, here is a quick checklist that will guide you in preparing to list this fall: • Financials. Find out how much your home will likely sell for in the current market. That...

Getting Family Members Enthusiastic about Moving

You may be excited about selling, but do your other family members share your enthusiasm? Kids can often be hesitant about, or even resistant to moving. That can make the selling process more stressful. The good news is, there are ways to get everyone in the family keen on the idea. One effective technique is to get everyone involved in the planning process, especially kids. Seek their input. Keep...

Monitoring Devices for Seniors

The 2020s may become known as the decade in which we re-evaluated our homes, and found ways to make them better serve our needs. Part of that assessment has already begun, especially amongst seniors who desire greater independence and want to continue to enjoy comfortable, productive lives in their own homes. Enabling their wishes in as safe an environment as possible often requires support from other...

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