
Creating the “Wow” Effect in Buyers

It’s incredible how quickly people form first impressions. According to some studies, people can develop lasting opinions within seconds of seeing someone, something, or someplace new. That’s why, when preparing your property for sale, it’s important to do everything you can to make sure it looks attractive to buyers. Nowhere does this first impression phenomenon play out more than when a...

Spring Home Maintenance

Spring is an excellent time to give your home a thorough maintenance checkup after the long winter months. Some essential tasks to consider during spring home maintenance include inspecting and cleaning gutters and downspouts, checking the roof for any damage or leaks, replacing air filters and cleaning out HVAC systems, inspecting windows and doors for drafts, and checking for any plumbing leaks or water...

Is this your Year to Get Gardening?

Whether you have a large backyard or a modest balcony, gardening is fast becoming one of the most popular pastimes across the land. Homeowners have become more focused on their property’s appearance and productivity, while also recognizing how gardening can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are interested in nurturing beautiful blooms and bushes, or cultivating home-grown herbs and...

Inspect your House & Property

It is advisable to do a thorough visual inspection of your home’s exterior at least once or twice a year. This also includes any fences, sheds and other secondary buildings on your property. Now, more than ever, extreme and unexpected weather events happen with greater severity and less predictable outcomes. So, it’s important to anticipate the ability of your property assets to withstand the...

6 Undisputed Ways to Make your Home Sell Faster

There are few certainties in this world, but there are surefire ways to sell your property faster regardless of market conditions. These strategies have been proven time and time again. So, if you’re thinking of selling this year, take a good look at these recommendations: Clean and tidy up. Making your home “guest ready” is the easiest way to ensure buyers are impressed during a...

Scams Are on the Rise

The more consumers increase their use of online shopping using a variety of sites and payment methods, the more susceptible they become to fraud. These include false threats or enticements from scammers posing as retail, bank and credit card companies. With personal profiles being shared more frequently, it stands to reason that hackers will gain increased access to email addresses and other contact...

Should You Get a Major Improvement Done before Selling?

There’s no doubt about it. The more “move in” ready your property is, the more attractive it will be to buyers. There is always an advantage when buyers can imagine living in the home without having to make any major repairs or improvements — at least for the short term. But, does that mean you need to get every big issue dealt with before you sell? Not necessarily. Say, for example, your...

Lighting Matters when Selling your Home

Remember the last time you were in a furniture store or other major home retailer? Remember the fully decorated displays of furniture, appliances and other products? Some of those may have even been organized as model rooms. What did most of those displays have in common? Chances are, they were well lit. In fact, in the retail industry, there are professionals who specialize exclusively in...

Synthetic and Composite Countertops

New countertops have always been a major contributor to kitchen makeovers, and the range of choices has never been greater. Beyond laminates and tile, or natural stone, wood and bamboo, some durable acrylics have become quite popular.  But, there are also newer composite materials that offer advantages. These advantages might make them an ideal compromise between natural and synthetic countertops....

Does your Home Still Match your Lifestyle?

When you purchased your current home, chances are it was a good match for your lifestyle. It had the space you needed, the features you wanted, and a location that worked for you. But for most people, lifestyle and needs evolve through the years. Kids get older. Jobs or careers change. People take on new hobbies and other interests. As a result, the home that was ideal a few years ago may not fit...

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